Last Update: 08/21/2024

Workforce Human Resources Co. provides hourly cleaning services and long-term live-in help services. Orders for hourly cleaning service or stay-in service can be placed online through the company’s website and applications.

Visitors and customers using the website who are minors (under the age of 18) may not register as users of the website, nor may they transact or use the website.

The hourly cleaning service offers customers hourly cleaning services. The customer selects the order details and creates a reservation.

The long-term - live-in - stay-in service provides customers with long-term live-in help; the customer specifies the reservation details and places the order.

General service terms:

1. Both parties shall comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement, its appendixes, and they agreed that it applies to all workers whose services are provided by the first party (Workforce Human Resources Co.) to work for the second party (the client).

2. The first party is obligated to provide workers according to the conditions agreed upon by the two parties and to end all legal procedures related to them.

3. The first party is obligated to inform the workers of their duties towards the second party and to make them aware of compliance with the issued regulations and instructions and shall not to do any act that harms the reputation of the second party.

4. The second party must pay the total value of the agreement in advance. After making the selections for the reservation, the total amount will be clearly displayed on our website and application. The service will be provided after payment is made.

5. The second party shall bear any government fees that are increased or imposed on the first party after signing this agreement and it shall be valid from the date of its imposition on the first party with the necessity of informing and notifying the second party of this when it happens.

6. In case of reducing or canceling any government fees previously imposed on him, the first party is obligated to stop collecting them from the second party as of date of implementing its reduction or cancellation.

7. The second party undertakes to pay the value-added tax imposed by the General Authority for Zakat and Income at the time of concluding the agreement, to be added with the entitlements arising from it under the invoices.

8. The work tasks entrusted to the workers of the first party to carry out in the house of the second party are (cleaning, washing, wiping and arrangement only).

9. The second party knew that the workers of the first party are not obliged and their tasks do not include (care of children, cooking, washing the yard of the house, carrying heavy objects, and climbing high places for cleaning.

10. It is required upon the arrival of the worker to provide the service to the second party and during its provision that there is a woman at home (mother / wife / or sister / or adult daughter) and in case of absence any of them, the worker shall not deliver to the second party and the visit shall be valid and will not compensated with other visits.

11. The second party may not mistreat our personnel. Any physical or verbal violence and harassment will result in the immediate termination of the contract and reporting to legal authorities. In the event of such a report, the first party will come to the address to retrieve the personnel.

12. The second party shall be fully responsible for the hired workers for the duration of the agreement – their stay with them, for their safety and not being exposed to risks, offense or abuse.

13. The second party may change the location of the house / district / city in the agreement according to the possibilities and schedules available to the first party. Changing the site is not obligatory on the first party, but is according to the possibility available to him.

14. If the first party is unable to provide the service for any reason, an alternative visit will be scheduled according to the capabilities available to him.

15. The second party known that the delivery dates of workers to him for the days of the year will be in two periods, the first (the morning period within two hours between 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM). The second period (the evening period within two hours between 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM). Except for the days of the holy month of Ramadan, it is in two periods, the first (the morning period during two hours between 11:00 PM to 01:00 PM) and the second period (evening from 08:00 PM to 10:00 PM)

16. The second party understood that the waiting period for the first party's labors at his house in order to start implementing the service is (05 minutes) only. If the second party does not respond when calling him on his phone recorded in the agreement, the visit is valid and he will not be compensated for it.

17. The second party understood that the time of the labor visit to his home starts from the time of its arrival to him, and it is not required that the time be united for all visits, as it may differ from one visit to another according to the agreement between the two parties.

18. The second party known that if their actual location is different from the location chosen on the application, the visit is valid and will not be compensated for it.

19. If the second party wishes to delay the labor visit to his home to provide the service, then there are conditions that must be considered and applied, otherwise the visit will be considered valid for the second party and will not be refunded or compensated. These conditions are explained as follows:
A- The first party’s approval of delay through the second party’s communication prior to (24 hours) from the visit date appointment.
b- A visit is available at the new specified date.
C- The delay should be limited to a specific number of visits according to the package used by the second party as follows: (One-time delay for a package of 4 visits - two delays for a package of 8 visits - three delays for a package of 12 visits or more).

20. The second party can request the stabilizing of a worker who has performed the service for him in advance, provided that it is available upon his request according to the specified visit time, and if the worker chosen by the second party is not available, he is not entitled to refuse to receive another worker, and if he does so, the visit is valid towards him and he will not be compensated for it. The second party can view the working days and schedule of their favorite personnel on the order placement screens of our website and applications.

21. The second party known that if he benefits from one of the discount offers offered by the first party, the value of the labor visits will be non-refundable and that the schedule of visits will be fixed and not subject to change.

22. The second party bears the full responsibility in case of the obliges the manpower to carry out an order or commit a criminal act under compulsion by him or a member of his family and this causes violations, fines, injuries, or contains high risks, or conducts them to use equipment, mechanisms or vehicles that are not authorized for the labor to use. Upon that act, a liability is established on the worker, and the second party bears the consequences of that, whatever they may be.

23. The second party must treat the hired laborers for him humanely based on compassion and mercy, and stop from any saying or action that affects their dignity or religion or exposure to their private needs, included but not limited (mobile phones - bags...).

24. The second party is not entitled to employ workers for others. In case of breaching of this condition, the second party shall bear the obligations arising therefrom for the benefit of the first party. The second party shall be responsible, when violating this condition, for any penalties or obligations imposed by the competent authority in this regard.

25. The client is obligated not to provide any in-kind or material gifts to the worker for any reason.

26. The first party undertakes to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the documents and information provided by the second party and to be used only for submission to the competent authorities if requested.

27. The first party is not responsible or liable for any violations or crimes committed by manpower which cause a penalty or compensation, and the criminal responsibility falls directly on the manpower. The second party has the right, if the violation or crime is proven, to apply to the competent authorities and request legal prosecution.

28. The second party remains responsible for whatever his possessions, belongings, and his valuable movables such as money, jewelry and the like, which are subject to loss, theft, damage or loss, and the second party acknowledges that the first party does not bear any responsibility resulting from any of the aforementioned. The second party is entitled to apply to the competent authorities in case of it is proven and the occurrence of an infringement by the labor on any of the above.

29. The two parties know that if it is proven that any assault has occurred against him by the second party, the manpower is entitled to claim his right before the competent authorities.

30. If the second party wishes to authorize another person to receive and deliver the manpower, he must issue a shar’ia power of attorney for him to do so and stipulate that the deputy is entitled to sign the agreement.

Cancellation and refund terms:

31. If the second party wishes to cancel the agreement before starting of service provision, the following conditions are required:
A- To communicate with the first party prior to 24 hours from visit date and submit a cancellation request.
B- He must pay a cancellation fee of (1%) of the total value of the agreement. Provided that the first party is obligated to return what was paid by the second party after deducting the mentioned fees.

32. If the second party desires to cancel the agreement after starting to provide the service to it, the following conditions must be met:
A- To communicate with the first party prior to 24 hours from scheduled date of the visit and submit a cancellation request.
B- He must pay a cancellation fees of (SR 250).
C- The value of the visits provided to him should be calculated provided that the first party is obligated to return what was paid by the second party after deducting the mentioned fees.

33. When the second party changes his address, place of residence, or any of its contact numbers recorded in this agreement, it is obligated directly to notify the first party.

34. In the event that the second party does not comply with what is included in this agreement, the first party is entitled to stop providing the service and withdraw the manpower, and his right shall be kept to demand the second party for all the expenses and costs resulted from that, and the second party is not entitled to claim any refunds.

35. The two parties agreed that this agreement is automatically cancelled, and the second party shall bear the financial and other obligations arising from the agreement until the worker is delivered to the first party in case of the second party commits any of the following violations:
(a) If he, or any of his family members, or those under his custody, assaulted the workers in any way, and workers keep their legal right towards the second party and claiming it before the competent authorities.
b- Employing workers for others.
C- Charging the manpower to work outside of what is mentioned in article (8) of this Agreement.
d- He refuses to allow the workers to use their phones outside of work hours.
e- If it is proven by any way that the home service provided is for other family.
f- Evidence of labor abuse, whether (harassment - or physical or sexual assault - or pregnancy).

36. Refunds will be made onto the original mode of payment and will be processed within 10 to 45 days
depends on the issuing bank of the credit card.

Delivery and transportation policy:

37. Service providers will be brought to the address specified by the customer by Workforce Human Resources Co. and will be picked up from the address again at the end of the service. The responsibilities regarding address and location clarity are outlined in the service terms above.

38. The transportation fee is included in the service.

39. (https://www.workforcesaudia.com) (https://app.workforcesaudia.com) will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of (Workforce Human Resources Co.)

Payment Confirmation – Services:

40. The second party selects the reservation details through their website or application. After entering the address and phone information, they proceed to the payment screen. The final amount to be paid is continuously displayed on the screen. Once the second party enters their card details on the payment screen, the payment process is completed. The second party will receive an order and payment confirmation email.

41. We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit cards, Mada cards, and Apple Pay in the accepted currencies. Our prices are displayed in SAR (Saudi Riyal), and charges are made in SAR. Currency conversions for payment methods are subject to the respective institutions.

42. Multiple transactions may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.

43. The cardholder must retain a copy of transaction records and Merchant policies and rules.


44. The second party is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his account.

Terms and services update:

45. The Website Policies and Terms & Conditions may be changed or updated occasionally to meet the
requirements and standards. Therefore the Customers’ are encouraged to frequently visit these sections
in order to be updated about the changes on the website. Modifications will be effective on the day they
are posted.

Legal authority:

46. Both parties acknowledge that in case of any dispute arises between them regarding the implementation of agreement conditions, it will be settled amicably. If they do not reach a solution, the jurisdiction shall be conducted at The Jeddah General Court with the laws of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is our country of domicile and stipulates that the* governing law is the local law.

Contact us
Company: Workforce Human Resources Co.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +966 12 6651 755
Address Jeddah: 7871 Hamad Al Hokiel Street, Rawdah District, PO Box 14048, Jeddah 23434, KSA
Address Riyadh: Al Falah Unit No: 23, 6575 Uthman bin Affan Road, P.O. Box: 13314 – Riyadh 2664, KSA